
02 ちこり村生産ファームで育てる (かもしれません 2024)

02 ちこり村生産ファームで育てる (かもしれません 2024)

チコリ、(Cichorium intybus)、キク科の青い花の多年生植物。ヨーロッパ原産で19世紀後半に米国に導入されたチコリは、オランダ、ベルギー、フランス、ドイツで広く栽培されており、北米でもある程度栽培されています。葉は野菜やサラダとして食べられ、根は煮てバターと一緒に食べられます。植物は家畜の飼料または牧草として栽培されます。チコリの根を焙煎し、挽いてコーヒーに色、ボディ、苦味を追加することができます。米国では、この習慣は特にニューオーリンズの街で人気があります。




Chicory has a long fleshy taproot and a rigid, branching, hairy stem that grows to a height of about 1 to 1.5 metres (3 to 5 feet). Its lobed toothed leaves, in wild chicory similar in appearance to dandelion leaves, are borne around the base. The roots of some varieties are grown in the open during the summer and are taken up in the fall to be forced, or grown indoors out of season, during the winter. One method of forcing produces barbe de capucin, the loose blanched leaves much esteemed by the French as a winter salad. Another method produces witloef, or witloof, the tighter heads or crowns preferred in Belgium and elsewhere. Throughout Europe the roots are stored to produce leaves for salads during winter.

In temperate regions having a growing season of five and a half to six months, if the seed is sown too early in the spring, the plants may go to seed instead of forming large storage roots suitable for forcing; in such areas seed should be sown in June. The roots may be forced in cellars, under greenhouse benches, or outdoors.