




巨大な珪岩からなる累層は、サウスビハールプレーンズから急上昇します。丘は北東から南西に約40マイル(65 km)延び、南西に向かって徐々に開く北東の狭い渓谷を囲む2つのほぼ平行な尾根にあります。彼らの頂上は、平坦で、ほとんど特徴のない周辺の沖積低地にある森林に覆われた島に似ています。ある時点で、丘は海抜1,272フィート(388メートル)の高さまで上昇しますが、一般に、丘が1,000フィート(300メートル)を超えることはめったにありません。

South of the town of Rajgir, the valley between the parallel ridges contains the site of Rajagriha (“Royal Residence”), said to have been the residence of the legendary Magadha emperor Jarasandha of the Hindu epic Mahabharata. The outer fortifications can be traced on the crests of the hills for more than 25 miles (40 km); they are 17.5 feet (about 5 metres) thick, built of massive undressed stones without mortar. Those ruined walls are generally dated to the 6th century bce, although it is thought that the area was occupied for several centuries prior to that. The remains of New Rajagriha, the reputed capital of King Bimbisara (c. 520–491 bce), lie north of the valley.

In addition to their significance to Hinduism, the Rajgir Hills contain important Buddhist and Jaina pilgrimage sites. They are especially associated with the life of the Buddha Gautama, who often taught there. Chhatagiri is the former Gridhrakuta, or Vulture’s Peak, which was one of his favourite retreats. One of the towers on Baibhar Hill (Vaibharagiri) has been identified as the Pippala stone house in which the Buddha lived. Sattapanni cave, which has been identified with a number of sites on Baibhar Hill and with the Sonbhandar cave at its foot, was the site of the first Buddhist synod (543 bce) to record the tenets of the faith. The Sonbhandar cave is now believed to have been excavated by the Jains in the 3rd or 4th century ce. In the valley’s centre, excavations at the Maniyar Math site have revealed a circular shrine associated with the worship of Mani-naga, a serpent deity of the Mahabharata. Several modern Jaina temples lie on the hills around the valley. There are also hot springs in the valleys, surrounded by Hindu shrines.