
キーラ・ナイトレイがフランス文学界で実在した女性作家を体当たりで熱演/映画 『コレット』予告編 (かもしれません 2024)

キーラ・ナイトレイがフランス文学界で実在した女性作家を体当たりで熱演/映画 『コレット』予告編 (かもしれません 2024)




コレットはブルゴーニュの村で育てられました。そこで彼女の愛された母親は彼女を自然界の驚異に目覚めさせました-すべてが「発芽、花、または飛ぶ」ものです。コレットは20歳で結婚生活とパリのシーンの両方に対して準備ができていなかったため、作家であり評論家でもあるアンリゴーティエビラー(「ウィリー」)と結婚し、15歳になった。彼は彼女をパリのサロンとデミモンドの世界に紹介し、結婚して間もなく、彼は彼女の執筆の才能を発見しました。彼女を部屋に閉じ込めて、目の前の課題に集中するように促し、ウィリーは彼女に執筆を強制しましたが、自身の作品として出版されました— 4つの「クラウディーン」小説、クローディーン・ア・レコール(1900;クローディーン・アット・スクール)、クローディーンàパリ(1901;パリのクローディン)、クローディンアンメナージュ(1902;クローディンアムーレウスとして再版、The Indulgent Husbandとして翻訳)、クローディンセンバJournal d'Annie(1903; The Innocent Wife):これらの小説では、コレットは彼女自身の経験(地方の女の子として、そして自由な夫を持つ若い既婚女性として)を利用して、若い人生のシーンを作成しましたingénue。クローディンと、4冊目のクローディンの本を語る受身の家庭的アニーの両方が、コレットウィリーという名前で出版されたコレットのラレトレイトの感情(1907; Retreat from Love)に再び現れます。コレットウィリーという名前で出版されました。コレットウィリーという名前で出版されました。

Colette left Willy in 1906. Though her slightly salacious novels were wildly popular, as were the plays derived from them, she saw none of her earnings; Willy kept the royalties. Ever resourceful, she took a job as a music-hall performer, working long hours to keep poverty at bay. During these years (roughly 1906–10), she was involved with the marquise de Balbeuf (“Missy”), an independently wealthy lesbian who affected male dress and mocked the masculine manner. This period of her life inspiredLa Vagabonde (1910; The Vagabond) and L’Envers du music-hall (1913; Music-Hall Sidelights). She was finally divorced from Willy in 1910, and in 1912 she married Henry de Jouvenel, editor in chief of the paper Le Matin, to which she contributed theatre chronicles and short stories. Their daughter (b. 1913) is the Bel-Gazou of the delightful animal story La Paix chez les bêtes (1916; some stories translated as Dogs, Cats, & I).

The writings she published up to this point belong to what Colette called her years of apprenticeship; she wrote of them in Mes Apprentissages (1936; My Apprenticeships). Her best work was produced after 1920 and followed two veins. The first vein followed the lives of the slightly depraved, postwar younger generation. Among these novels are Chéri (1920) and La Fin de Chéri (1926; The Last of Chéri), dealing with a liaison between a young man (Chéri) and an older woman, and Le Blé en herbe (1923; The Ripening Seed), which concerns a tender and acid initiation to love. The second vein looked back to the countryside of her enchanted childhood and away from the pleasures and disillusions of shallow love affairs. La Maison de Claudine (1922; My Mother’s House) and Sido (1930) are her poetic meditations on these years.

After 1930 her life was both productive and serene. In 1935, having divorced de Jouvenel the previous year, she married the writer Maurice Goudeket. The marriage brought much happiness, as Goudeket recorded in his memoirs Près de Colette (1955; Close to Colette). During her last two decades, Colette wrote on a number of topics. In Ces Plaisirs (1932; “Those Pleasures,” later published as Le Pur et l’impur [1941; The Pure and the Impure]), she examined aspects of female sexuality. La Chatte (1933; The Cat) and Duo (1934) are treatments of jealousy. Gigi (1944), the story of a girl reared by two elderly sisters to become a courtesan, was adapted for both stage and screen. A charming musical film version of 1958, starring Maurice Chevalier, Louis Jourdan, and a winsome Leslie Caron, enjoyed great popularity.

Colette was made a member of the Belgian Royal Academy (1935) and the French Académie Goncourt (1945) and a grand officer of the Legion of Honour—all honours rarely granted to women.

A delicate and humorous realist, Colette was the annalist of female existence. She wrote chiefly of women in traditional roles, such as husband hunters or discarded, aging, or déclassé mistresses. Her chosen format was the novella, her style a blend of the sophisticated and the natural, laced with all the subtle cadences of sensuous pleasures and intuitive acumen. From 1949 she was increasingly crippled by arthritis. She ended her days, a legendary figure surrounded by her beloved cats, confined to her beautiful Palais-Royal apartment overlooking Paris.