
バーバラジョーダン、完全なバーバラチャーラインジョーダン(1936年2月21日、テキサス州ヒューストン生まれ、1996年1月17日死去、テキサス州オースティン)、アメリカの弁護士、教育者、およびテキサス州出身の米国下院議員を務めた政治家(1973年) –79)。彼女は南部出身の最初のアフリカ系アメリカ人女性会議員だった。




ジョーダンは、緊密な家族の中で3人の娘の末っ子でした。高校生のとき、彼女は熟練した講演者になり、1952年に全国討論コンテストで優勝しました。彼女はヒューストンのテキサスサザン大学​​に参加し、ハーバード大学を討論に巻き込んだ討論チームのメンバーになりました。 。卒業後(1956年に優等賞を受賞)、ボストン大学ロースクールに通い、ヒューストン出身のアフリカ系アメリカ人である2人の女性のうちの1人でした。彼女はマサチューセッツ州の司法試験に合格しましたが、アラバマ州のタスキーギ研究所(後にタスキーギ大学と改名)に移り、1年間教えた後、テキサスに戻ってそこで司法への入学を許可されました。

Jordan was an effective campaigner for the Democrats during the 1960 presidential election, and this experience propelled her into politics. In 1962 and 1964 she was an unsuccessful candidate for the Texas House of Representatives, but she was elected in 1966 to the Texas Senate, the first African American member since 1883 and the first woman ever elected to that legislative body.

Jordan’s success in Texas politics came from her knowledge of and adherence to the rules of the political process. She went to great lengths to fit in and sought advice on committee assignments. Her own legislative work focused on the environment, antidiscrimination clauses in state business contracts, and urban legislation, the last being a political challenge in a state dominated by rural interests. She captured the attention of Pres. Lyndon Johnson, who invited her to the White House for a preview of his 1967 civil rights message.

Jordan remained in the Texas Senate until 1972, when she was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Texas’s 18th district. In the House, Jordan advocated legislation to improve the lives of minorities, the poor, and the disenfranchised and sponsored bills that expanded workers’ compensation and strengthened the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to cover Mexican Americans in the Southwest.

Although she acquired a reputation as an effective legislator, Jordan did not become a national figure until 1974, when her participation in the hearings held by the House Judiciary Committee on the impeachment of Pres. Richard M. Nixon was televised nationwide. Her keynote address at the 1976 Democratic National Convention confirmed her reputation as one of the most commanding and articulate public speakers of her era.

Jordan decided not to seek a fourth term and retired from Congress in 1979. In that year also she published Barbara Jordan, a Self-Portrait. She then accepted a position at the University of Texas, Austin, where she taught at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs until her death. Despite her absence from Washington, D.C., she remained influential in political affairs. In the 1990s she served as an adviser on ethics in government for Texas Gov. Ann Richards and also was chairman for the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform. In 1992 she again gave the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention.